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Three Ways to Solve the Dog Poop Problem

We’ve all been there. Maybe you’re playing with your dogs in the dog park. Or simply walking them around your neighborhood. Everything is going great, and then it happens...


The Shocking Truth About Not Picking Up Your Dog’s Poop

Sure, we all know that it’s rude and disgusting to not clean up after your dog, but some of these facts really surprised me...


10 Reasons to Scoop Your Dog’s Poop

Stormwater carries pet waste and other pollutants directly into waterways.  Animal waste adds nitrogen to the water. Excess nitrogen depletes the oxygen in water necessary for...


The Consequences Of No One Picking Up Their Dog’s Poop Are Horrifying

New York just endured a substantial batch of snow — if not exactly the blizzard that was advertised. That set it up for the unfortunate defrost, leaving the city’s sidewalks...


Dangers of Dog Poop

Cleaning up after your dog can be a stinky job, but someone's gotta do it. Constant clean up is necessary for a healthy environmentfor you and your family.


Pick Up Your Dog's Poo. It's Important for Public Health!

You're supposed to pick up after your dog. You know this. Everybody does. But it's late and you're tired and Fido just left a particularly nasty looking pile. Nobody's looking. Just leave it there. What's the worst that can happen?

Infection with a zoonotic disease, that's what.


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