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About Dog Poop

Most people think that dog poop washes away in a week or two. The reality is that it can take up to one year to break down.  When left to accumulate, dog poop can endanger the health of your family and your pet. Napa Valley Poop Patrol can reduce the health risks by regularly removing the poop from your yard.


Dog poop is NOT fertilizer! Dog poop is toxic to the environment.  According to the EPA, dog poop is as toxic to the environment as chemical and oil spills.


Dog poop carries diseases. Dog poop carries Roundworm, Whipworm, Parvorvirus, Coronavirus, E. Coli, Campylobacteriosis, Hookworm, Giardia and Coccidia. One gram of dog poop contains 23 million fecal bacteria!


Dog poop is the #3 cause of water pollution. Wastewater treatment systems are not designed to filter dog waste.


Lawn mowers spread the poop. Mowing over dog poop can distribute disease all over your yard.


Dog poop attracts insects and flies, which carry diseases on their feet.


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